
Posters & Flyers

Poster and postcard for nw Book Fun in the Sun event

This is going to be an updated post about where the flyers and posters are posted.

This way we can see places already covered as well as encourage more participation. Yay!

If you are not an author but would still be interested in helping us to spread the word about this – please email me at So appreciate any and all support.

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3 Responses

  1. So far I submitted a flyer to the Fort Regional Library for hopeful approval (they did post one last year).

    2 posters at the VA Building 11 & 20

    1 poster at the Fort Vancouver Visitor Center

  2. I left one at Brewed Awakenings on 164th that is posted. I also dropped one off at New Seasons on Mcgillivray, Hidden River Coffee Roasters in Camas, and Cascade Park Library….each pending approval.

Picture of Patty Grasher

Patty Grasher

Authors, books and book events.

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