Ophelia Starcluck And the Rebel Prince

What is the greatest benefit your reader will find by reading your books?

I hope when kids are done reading Ophelia Starcluck Saves the Galaxy, they will come away with an understanding that we don’t all have to like the same things or act the same way in order to be friends.

We are all unique and when we come together in friendship with our different talents and interests we can create and accomplish great things.

About the Author

Author Kristen Gwen

At different times while growing up, I wanted to be an astronaut and a veterinarian.

I eventually discovered that I am claustrophobic and not great at math, so space exploration was out.

Then I eventually lost interest in being a vet, but my love for animals remained.

So when I started writing, I began my search for something to write about.

My dad one day randomly said, “Starcluck.” Immediately, my brain started whirling, combining “Starcluck” with my two childhood interests, swirling it all together as I made something great (at least I hope so!).

Out came a chickens in space novel for kids!

I hope families and kids will enjoy the journey.

Kristen Gwen grew up as that kid who always has her nose in a book and a pen in her hand.

When she pops her head up from her computer, Kristen enjoys singing and acting, hiking small mountains in search of huckleberries, and hanging out with her husband and two daughters.

She lives in the beautiful Pacific Northwest.